Help children build proper nutrition habits with these tips from Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group in Sacramento & Elk Grove, CA.

8 Tips for Healthy Nutrition Habits

It’s no secret that building or breaking habits in adulthood can be tough. Habits formed in childhood can stick with you throughout life. One of the best things you can do for children is to help build healthy nutrition habits early. Below, our team at Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group in Sacramento & Elk Grove, CA shares a few tips to help. 

Be a Good Example 

“Do as I say, not as I do,” doesn’t work out very well with kids. They tend to mimic what they see and question why you tell them to do the opposite. Show them how to eat more healthily by doing it yourself.

Promote Balance

Preventing kids from eating sugary foods, snacks, and favorite desserts can backfire tremendously. Instead of restricting foods, focus on balancing those less-than-healthy foods with healthier ones. 

Do Some Meal Planning and Prepping

Life is hectic, and managing healthy meals with full schedules can be difficult. Pick a day each month to develop a meal plan around your calendar. Try freezer cooking to have healthy meals on hand. Use your slow cooker on busy days. And make thawing any frozen ingredients part of your morning routine. 

Set Meal Times 

Snacking or choosing unhealthy foods is easy to do between meals, but it is less likely to occur if your family and their bodies are on a routine. Set meal times and stick to them as best as you can. 

Make Family Meals a Regular Thing 

Eating together improves the chances of your children eating the healthy items on their plates. It also provides quality time and improved mental help for all family members. 

Use “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” to Their Advantage 

Try putting unhealthy snacks and drinks behind healthier options – or away altogether. Place a bowl of fruit or other healthier options right in their eyesight.

Get Your Kids Involved 

Let your kids help make the menu, do prep work, grocery shop, and help cook. This will teach life skills and help them learn more about their food choices.

Don’t Make Them Clean Their Plate 

Forcing children to finish all of their food when they are full can lead to obesity. And it’s a mindset that tends to stick with them well into adulthood. 

Learn more about building healthy nutrition habits by visiting our Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group team in Sacramento & Elk Grove, CA. You can reach our Sacramento office at (916) 681-1130 or our Elk Grove office at (916) 714-9777.