Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group calls Sacramento and Elk Grove, CA, home to their thriving pediatric practice with four skilled and board-certified pediatric doctors treating childhood asthma. Our doctors want to discuss this nationwide concern and help parents understand the facts surrounding this lifelong condition.

What is this Lung Disease?

This lung disease is a lifelong condition. Developing asthma as a child means carrying this illness into adulthood. However, in many cases, the number of attacks you have as an adult frequently becomes less with each passing year under excellent management. 

This lung condition occurs when an allergen your child is allergic to causes airways to swell, thus narrowing the airway carrying oxygen to your lungs. Mucus builds up in the airways, and inflammation occurs, causing wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and panic. An asthma attack can be mild or life-threatening.


Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group, in Sacramento and Elk Grove, CA, advises that the primary management tip is to be aware of the triggers causing an attack. Sometimes, you don't know the trigger, so all you can do is treat an attack with a rescue inhaler. There are thousands of triggers. However, the most common triggers to avoid are, 

  • Air pollution 
  • Pollens
  • Pet dander
  • Dust mites
  • Molds
  • Smoke
  • Strong smells
  • Chemical fumes
  • Cleaning products
  • Dust

Asthmatic Prevention Techniques

The first tip is to avoid those triggers that you know cause your child's breathing problems. When you cannot pinpoint triggers, use a rescue inhaler to ease difficult breathing. 

Other prevention tips include allergy testing to see what the child is allergic to and follow-up with allergy shots to help boost your child's immunity against lifelong triggers. 

Our doctor may order medication such as a steroid inhaler to help keep airways open. Your child will always have to have a rescue inhaler on them or in the teacher's or coach's possession in case your child has an attack. Unfortunately, sometimes, your child may still need to immediately visit the nearest emergency room.

Call Us Today for Your Child's Asthmatic Evaluation!

Call and schedule your child's asthma, wellness visit, sick visit, or behavioral consultation today with any of our four doctors at Sacramento Valley Pediatric Medical Group in Sacramento and Elk Grove, CA, at:

Know your child's allergy triggers to help avoid sudden attacks. We can assist you and your child in maintaining this illness, living a full life comfortably, and enjoying all the things that a child should enjoy and experience without the fear of dealing with difficult breathing related to lung disease.